Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dedication to Ms.Pollock, our 8th grade comm teacher

For being a Spanish teacher
For being an English teacher
For putting up with us for two years
For seeing the best in us when we don't

For being a basketball coach
For keeping us motivated
For helping us push forth
when we want to give up

For being there when life is rough
and we need someone to ask if we're okay
For always knowing what to say
For always wanting to help

We're moving onto high school,
onto a new life,
you seem like one of us
but it's time to say goodbye.

Thank you Ms.P,
For everything you've done
Thank you Ms.P
We're finally moving on.

Thank you<3 We'll miss you!! (':

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dear 8th graders

Breath slowly
Take pictures in your mind
Always try new things
You'll never know what you'll find

Don't be stupid,
but take some risks
you'll wish you had
when you look back on the oppurtunities you missed
Study hard,
Party a bit more
find your reason
find your what-for
Keep friends close
dont let them haters get to your mind
Ask God for forgivness
leave all the drama behind

dream big
there is no limit
push til you cant go anymore
put it all in to win it
Stay faithful
cause theres always going to be sin
beauty doesn't come from makeup
it comes from within
Keep it real
no one likes a fake
take all of the chances you get
and always learn from your mistakes

onto high school
may be scary may be exciting
be as fearless as possible
life is very inviting

motivate yourself
find your inspiration
never give up
put first your education

never forget who helped you through
you'll be influenced so don't foget who you are
remember what they say,
"If you dream big, you'll go far"

Thursday, May 17, 2012

WNB #19

3 friends
3 different lives
3 different stories
3 different lies

3 girls
3 different needs
3 different wants
3 different pleads

3 different songs
all of a different tune
3 different worlds
under one moon

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Story In 6 Simple Words

I read a book last week written by different and random teenagers throughout America.  Each teen tells a story with 6 words.  For example, you may or may not have heard a 6 word story written by Ernest Hemingway called Baby Shoes.  It goes like this, For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn.  In this 6 word story his wife had an abortion.  He didn't come right out and say it, but that's the fun of it. 
But anywayy! So this book was full of 6 word stories written by teenagers.  The book isn't long, it took me like 20 min to read, but it's defiantly worth reading!  It's called I Can't Keep My Own Secrets.

This book inspired me to write some of my own 6 worded stories, along with a few of my friends.  Here are some I wrote, and some from the book that are my favorites:
Dreams too big for this town. -Megan M.
Live in Canada. Not as igloo. -Mackenna C.
Three high school. Only uniforms changed.- Keerthana J.
The keys I have don't fit. -Alicia K.
Iraq doesn't need you. I do. -Alicia Marie S.
Got expelled.  Felt like living again. -Alexis G.
5am. Basketball. Babysit. Volleyball. Ride. Repeat. -Me
Follow your dreams. Not your parents. -Srishti K.
Googled what he called me. Ouch. -Emily L
Said you're sorry, I didn't believe. -Me
YOLO= month gone and still grounded. -Me
Met online; love before first sight. -Chris S.
Honor roll. No friends. "Bright future." -Anne Q.
He holds grudges, she forgives easy. -Me
God has him.  I miss him. -Ashley L.
hair's pink to piss you off. -Stephanie N.
Writes daily. Letters won't reach him. -Me
Tried being reasonable.  Now I'll rebel. -Amanda L.
Swerved off road, but kept driving. -Khalil M.
Only born because older sister died. -Lyra W.
The exits were entrances in disguise. -Shannon b.
I need out of Wisconsin, NOW. -Me
Never met him, but love him. -Grace K.
Laughed at abusers funeral.  Feel guilty. -Ashley P.
You're gone, and I'm still praying. -Jose D.
Met him once, changed me forever. -Juliah D.
Everthings done for that college application. -Elizabeth C.
Thank God I'm an atheist. -Chelsea C.
My mom had my boyfriend deported. -Candra T.
Parents don't approve, I need you. -Me
Guitar string snapped. I kept playing. -?
In the nest, twigs are sharp. -Justin M.
We are banned from Wal-Mart forever. -Kristen S.
We're the family you gossip about. -Steven M.
I lied so you wouldn't worry. -Jordan S.
I'm here because of the scholarship. -Anna M.
Returned home, remembered why I left. -Kendra L.
Too young t o decide for forever. -Kathleen W.
Small town girl, big city dreams. -Sara A.
You wanted me aborted. How sad. -Thaise B.
He's 20, twice jailed, and perfect. -Jasmin M.
I told him everything, big mistake. -?
He proposed. I'm 14. He's 17. -Briana R.
Life of faith, world of sin. -Sarah M.
Stole sign warning not to steal. -Jill D.
Marines are stealing you from me. -Jasmine A.
I wish "Sir" was "dad" instead. -Sarah B.
I'm army boots. Ready for battle. -Amanda L.
Mom just revoked my creative license. -Nur A.
When I jump, no one catches. -Brionna L.
Stillborn baby lost, I found God. -Lydia S.
Friend. Boyfriend. Ex-Boyfriend. Friend. Friend's boyfriend. -Maura M.
One egg. Two girls. Best friends. -Bethany D.

That's all I have for you but feel free to comment with your own 6 worded stories!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Get off of Facebook, Put Down the Controller, Get off this Blog Because..

These are the days you'll look by on as an adult and wish you had back.
Remember that everyday.
Don't be stupid
but also don't be afraid to take risks and be rebellious sometimes.
Make each day worth living.
Make it worth looking back on.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Research Reports

I read about 5-9 reports this last week and a half and I've learned a lot of interesting facts!  Facts from bananas, to gangs, to baseball players in countries that speak Spanish. 

I was surprised that pinatas were actually made first in China, not Mexico!  But still today we see pinatas as a Mexican tradition. Weird, huh?

In my perspective and out of the reports I read, I'd choose Alyssa Nielsen's and Jason Aune's reports as my favorite and best written.  Alyssa had a lot of interesting facts about bananas and Jason seemed to flow his words together in his paper about a baseball player.  He seemed to write his report like he was there and like he really enjoyed writing the paper.

It was very surprising to me how much bananas are produced and needed to feed the U.S. in one year, I can't exactly remember the number but it was way more than I'd guess!  It's also surprising how much vitamins and good nutrition bananas have for you body, I've started eating more since I've read the paper!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Little Things In Life...(not in order due to greatness)(wrote this summer..)

1) Waking up to a great song
2) texting all night
3) getting a new notebook
4) his eyes <3
5) photo booths
6) the smell of hollister
7) reading a good quote
10) that first kiss
11) Acing a test
12) that feeling after brushing your teeth (shout out to Hannah Addyman)
13) the moment when the chiropractor cracks your neck and you honestly think for a second that you've died
14) the first day in spring that you can rock flip flops
15) drinking root beer from a glass bottle
16) feeling cocky
17) that moment on a roller coaster when you're suddenly weightless
18) those days when you know you look hot
19) getting a letter
20) having a great tan
21) coloring/writing in crayon
22) going through your locker at the end of the year and finding a bunch of thing you though you lost
23) when you beat a guy in a sport
24) the feeling of freshly shaved legs
25) laughing so hard your stomach hurts
26) singing when no one is around
27) writing in sharpie
28) drinking hot chocolate on a cold day
29) getting a back massage
30) freshly painted nails
31) the expression on ones face when you scare the crap outta them (shout out to Lauren Zupfer)
32) wearing new socks
33) that laugh that lil wayne does in all of his songs
34) dreaming of him <3
35) falling asleep in the sun
36) the first night you sleep with the stuffed animal he gave you
37) the smell of his cologne <3
38) finishing a good book
39) when a really hot guy accepts your friend request
40) getting your hair brushed
41) the sound of him breathing <3
42) when you realize you wont be able to finish your large blizzard
43) getting your hair curled
44) long hot showers
45) the look on the teachers face when someone gets in trouble and they ask in an angry tone if they want to go to the office/go in the hall, and the students replies with "yeah"
46) lighting a match
47) watching stupid yet extremely funny youtube videos
48) walking into an air condition building when it's like 107 degrees outside
49) eating out of the gal. of ice cream with a spoon
50) wearing sweats and still feeling awesome
51) running barefoot
52) catching a fish (especially me since I have very bad luck with fishing!)
53) opening the jammed window on the bus after all the guys tried and failed
54) laughing after crying
55) when you notice someone spelt "awsome" wrong on there facebook account while trying to be cocky
56) 11:11's
57) going through your old elementary school projects
58) drawing a perfect heart
59) cranking the music up in the car when you parent(s) get out of the car to do/grab something
60) coming home after a long day of shopping and looking at all the clothes you bought
61) falling asleep in the middle of a movie that you've seen at least 50 times
62) drawing a perfect circle
63) waking up a minute before your alarm
64) hearing your favorite song on the radio
65) letting your hair down after it's been up all day
66) taking a good picture of yourself after trying for 10 minutes
67) wearing a new perfume
68) reading a good poem
69) finding out he has liked you too
70) finding money in the pocket of your pants
71) listening to a song that relates exactly to your situation
72) falling asleep while listening to your ipod
73) hearing him say "it'll be alright"
74) taking a cold shower on a hot day
75) taking a cold shower on a hot day
76) wearing new jeans
77) when it's finally close enough to your birthday to count down the days
78) wearing an over sized sweatshirt (wearing his sweatshirt)
79) making up a really good quote
80) telling your best friend your biggest secret
81) taking pictures in black and white
82) watching your friend realize that the bottle of ranch dressing is NOT a squeeze top
83) flipping your math work sheet to see it's not double sided
84) receiving a love letter
85) being the first to know of a great song
86) shopping at walmart
87) buying a shirt with a cocky saying printed on it
88) wearing that shirt^
89) That awkward moment when you fall in the shower and you hope no one heard you (shout out to Hannah Addyman)

...i would have waaayy more but I haven't updated this list since about mid august! I hope you liked the ones I had though (:  and cutos to those you actually read the whole thing, I know there isn't many of you!